Another another Omegle story

You: This could become an awesome conversation, if you play along:
I’ve hidden the body. What’s next?

Stranger: Hey

Stranger: Go out and buy a lot of washing powder and fill the bathtub with bleach

You: If you’re intending for me to clean the scene, I’ve already done that

Stranger: No, I’m planning on disposing of the body entirely

You: Why didn’t you just say that in the first place, then?

Stranger: It’s easier to do this in steps

Stranger: Now go fill the bath

You: I’ll dispose of it here rather.

You: there’s aligators in the swamp

Stranger: Too obvious man! The first place they’ll look is the swamp

You: Not this side of it. The aligators here are to vicious for humans anyways. The only reason it’s safe for me here, is because they shy away from me as a result of me being what I am.

Stranger: What are you?

You: I’m a vampire

Stranger: You watch too much True Blood

You: True blood is just one side of the story. And it won’t happen for another few years.

Stranger: Seriously if you’re a vampire just eat the fucker

You: How do you think I killed him in the first place?

Stranger: I see your point, how drained is he?

You: Nothing left

Stranger: How will the gators smell him?

You: He still smells like a human. There’s just not any blood

Stranger: Have you torn him up yet?

You: Working on it

Stranger: Want to borrow my lightsaber?

You: No thanks. They use UV light

Stranger: That’s new

You: Amongst other things obviously, but still. UV, not good for my skin

You: *tears off leg and throws a distance into swamp*

You: *Watches as alligators fight eachother for the food*

Stranger: I’ll send a small shock through the water to get the gators more active

You: They seem active enough

You: *throws other leg into waters*

Stranger: Let me give you a hand

You: *Throws arm into waters*

Stranger: *Uses the force to pick up torso and other arm and tosses them*

You: Good. You’re not unhandy to have around

Stranger: Being a Sith has it’ perks

You: I believe so

You: *washes hands in waters*

You: So, where next

Stranger: Wait, we almost forgot his head

You: Oh, I forgot i riped that off

You: *picks up*

You: *Throws into the middle of fighting aligators*

Stranger: There we go, you still hungry?

You: Nah, he had a lot of blood in him. I fancy a beer or something stronger.

Stranger: I’ve got a bit of whiskey if you want a shot

You: There’s a bar not long from here that serves a superb bloody mary. With real blood if you know wich bartender to ask.

You: Oh, yes please

Stranger: Okay *goes in bag and pulls out a bourbon* not all of it

You: *smells*

You: Jack Daniels, am I right?

Stranger: You bet, with honey. Dangerously drinkable

You: *takes a sip*

You: that feels good

You: *gives you back burbon*

Stranger: *takes a swig* Good stuff

You: Indeed it was

You: We should move

Stranger: Yeah, the big alligators eyeing up my legs

You: yep

You: I don’t blame them you smell truly eatable

Stranger: Don’t. Even. I’ll tear you limb form limb with out even touching you. Just kidding

You: Yeah right, because you’d have time to react if I tried

You: *smirks at, showing fangs*

Stranger: If I can block a blaster before they pull the trigger I think I can step to one side if you swing for me

You: Right *playfully takes swing at*

You: *Misses on purpose*

Stranger: Haha, good shot

You: thanks

You: I’ve faught Jedis and won. Don’t underestimate me

You: *suddenly stops walking*
*sniffs air*

Stranger: I sense something

You: Slayer

You: damn

Stranger: Keep moving, he gets closer we’ll both know it

You: *ducks arrow*

You: she

You: she gets closer, and she knows where we are

You: get ready to fight

Stranger: *Ignites lightsaber* She’s got friends…mind your right shoulder

You: *ducks another three arrows*
*grabs a forth out of thin air*

You: there’s a witch among them

You: at least one

You: carefull with the saber, i don’t want it near me

Stranger: Don’t worry it won’t even split the air around you

You: good

You: *Throws arrow in the general direction of slayer*

You: *misses*

You: cause a distraction, I might be able to take some of them out.

Stranger: Okay *I throw my lightsaber into a bush and force lightning the canopy above us*

You: Thanks

You: *Sneaks up behind male hunter*
*Snaps neck*

Stranger: *catches lightsaber just in time to chop a female in half*

You: *Doges another arrow*

You: *Kills what seems to be a witch*

You: *Gets hit in thigh by arrow*

Stranger: You okay over there?

You: *growls*
*rips out arrow*
Never better!
*Throws arrow at slayer*
*Barley misses*

You: *ducks as slayer charges*

You: *Grabs slayer by the shoulders*

Stranger: Hold on! *Uses the force to knock back another hunter*

You: *Holds down*
*Whispers to slayer* i’ve always wanted to try this

Stranger: How does it taste?

You: *Realizes there’s more to this world than slayer blood*

You: ’twas awesome. *Sheepish grin*

You: *snaps neck of slayer*

Stranger: Great, more bodies. If you want we can keep the slayer

You: the others seem to be retreating

You: she’s dead

You: it’s hard enough to stop when it’s a normal human being

You: but the power in this one

You: it’s enough to make anyone high

Stranger: Can I have a smell?

You: Sure

Stranger: *Sniffs* He was a force user, not a Jedi or Sith though

You: It’s still a she

You: this is the slayer

You: the ONE

You: well… she was

Stranger: The one?

You: haven’t you heard of the slayer?

Stranger: Buffy?

You: she was the slayer at one point, yes

Stranger: So this is THE slayer?

You: yep

Stranger: And how many of these are we gonna have to go through?

You: I dunno

You: doesn’t seem like there were any more of them in this group

You: or the others wouldn’t have fled like that

Stranger: Yeah, so are we hunting them or are they hunting us?

You: Let them go. They’ll be coming for us soon enough. No need to rush it

Stranger: Fair enough, I’m surprised that there were none in the trees

You: I think we should get rid of the other bodies

You: they didn’t ambush us, it was a regular patrol, I think so anyways

Stranger: How are we getting rid of these ones?

You: I think… we should just burn them. It’ll be the easy way out

You: Lets see… Ah there *points* gaspipes

You: Do you carry matches?

Stranger: Can I burst these ones? You got the last ones

You: yeah, sure

Stranger: Cool *Uses force to burst the lines*

Stranger: *Throws in a match*

You: *watches inferno rise*

You: We should deffinietly get out of here

Stranger: Yep, race you to the bar

You: *races*

You: *ties with*

Stranger: Close one

You: you’re quick

You: I’ll get you next time. And I’m sorry, but you can’t have the hot blonde bartender, She’s a cop

Stranger: I wonder if mind tricks will work

You: Alec is the one that gives me my drinks the way I like them.

You: Just don’t tell her what we order, and you can do whatever you want with her

You: *goes up to bardisk*
Alec, I want one usual

You: What do you want?

Stranger: I’ll just take a white rum

You: And one white rum for my friend

You: he’s in the back most of the time.

You: try not to stare when he comes out. He’s kind of … green

Stranger: Green?

You: and spiky

Stranger: What race is that?

You: Don’t remember. Never asked

Stranger: I’ve travelled galaxies and never heard of a spiky green person

You: I think he’s from another dimmention

Stranger: So how long have you been a… well… *whispers* vamp

You: What year is this?

Stranger: 2032 I think, different Earth calender

You: hm. I was 16 when I was turned. I was born in 1580 AD wich means it was 1596 when i was turned

You: little under 500 years

You: 436 to be exact

Stranger: Nice, I’ve only been on Earth since 1971

You: So why are you here?

Stranger: Kind of invented this thing called Star Wars as a Beacon to anyone close by from my galaxy

You: Awesome

You: those were great movies

Stranger: I’m not in them, my master’s master’s master is though

You: Well, I’ll be damned

You: so, why did you come to earth?

Stranger: The discovery of more humans baffled our entire galaxy, even more so the discovery that these humans can’t wield the Force

You: Apparently some of them can.

Stranger: Well a few of us

You: and why are you still here, then?

Stranger: Makes a change from sitting in a starfighter blasting republic fleets into oblivion

You: That sounds exeedingly boring

You: Not like the fight we had today, where you actually get to get your hands dirty

You: figurativley

You: .. for you

Stranger: I never laid a finger on them *smiles cheekily*

You: *Sound of sirens*

You: I think they noticed our fire

Stranger: If they ask questions I’ll cover for us

You: Not a problem. Vampires have some deffence mechanisms as well.

Stranger: Mind naming a few?

You: have you heard of the TrueBlood series?

Stranger: I have

You: The thing vampires can do there, the Glammoring

You: that’s one of manny

Stranger: Sounds fun

You: it’s a lot of hard work, but it helps when you’re in a pinch

You: I rarley use it

You: and I don’t think it will be nessecary today either. Alec. Come here a sec

Stranger: *Looks at Alec and tries not to stare*

You: *hands Alec a lot of money*
we’ve been here the whole night, right?

You: [Of cause my lords, I distinctly remember you comming in here how manny hours ago?]

You: Good. And I’d say at least 10, what do you think?

Stranger: That works

You: say 10, Alec. If you do a good job, there’s more money in it for you

You: shall we go and have a look at what all the fuss is about?

You: *winks*

Stranger: Sure, everyone’s staring at my robes in here anyway

You: There’s hardly anyone left. Everyone ran out to see what the sirens were all about

Stranger: Well that Orc at table 6 needs to watch it

You: *downs rest of drink and stands up*

Stranger: *knocks back rum*

You: He’s harmeless. *Slaps orc on shoulder* How are you today, Johnsen?

You: *Orc mumbles something in extraterestial language*

You: Good for you

Stranger: That language sounded like a form of huttese

You: You understand him?

Stranger: It sounded like he said “Good day today”

You: really? huh, and I always thought he said he’d kill me if ever I did that again. Oh well

Stranger: Let’s see our aftermath crowd shall we?

You: sounds good

You: *strolls out the door*

Stranger: Well that’s a lot of fire trucks and squad cars

You: I’m not surprised

Stranger: Looks like the ones that retreated have come back to have a look

You: That was a given. Try not to be spotted by them

You: They must’ve heard the explotion

Stranger: No shock there, they couldn’tve been far from it

You: Nope. And they probably intended to come back for their dead anyways.

You: Especially the slayer

Stranger: Too bad they’ve only found the witch by the looks of it

You: She was on the outskirts, I think she’ll be recognicable

You: oh well

Stranger: They’ve got more on the way, sounds like it could be a rescue chopper

You: Indeed it does

Stranger: My comlink’s picking up there frequency

You: They’re probably using infrared cameras

Stranger: Well you won’t be spotted

You: No, but if they see me on the ground, but not on the cameras, that might pose a problem

Stranger: True, we should get back to the bunk house

You: Yeah

Thanks to Cameron Duff, who’s been one EPIC partner 😀

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Another Omegle story

You: I’ve hid the body, now what, boss?

Stranger: Hmm hmmm

Stranger: Now you must retrive for me

Stranger: The amulet

You: Where might this amulet be hidden?

Stranger: The amulet is with fat tony, the mob boss of 42nd street

You: Allright. It’ll take about two minutes

Stranger: If you get it for me, a large sum of money will be coming

Stranger: Your way

You: It’s retrieved. Where should it be delivered?

Stranger: To me

You: And you recide where?

Stranger: North of Ireland

You: Allright. The amulet is on it’s way

Stranger: Superb

Stranger: Open it and remove all traces of cocaine

Stranger: It is now yours

Stranger: The cocaine part

You: was this not the amulet you were looking for? I seem to be unable to open it. Though it speaks to me in a strange language

Stranger: Have you tried standing on it?

You: Yes

Stranger: That usually works

You: I tried everything immaginable

You: exept exeptionally dark magic which can go horribly wrong

Stranger: Cmon man I’m a woman I need a lot of effort to open things

Stranger: Have you tried snake language?

You: Snake language? You mean parsle tounge? Alas, I cannot speak it

Stranger: Arabic?

Stranger: Latin could probably open

You: I tried latin. It did not work. My arabic is rusty and I do not think this amulet would open either way.

Stranger: Hmm leave it with me

Stranger: For I am advanced in the dark arts

You: It’s all yours

You: Good luck. I only beg of you that you wait with the dark magic untill I have left the proximity

Stranger: I would not curse you with such a thing

You: Good. My body does not react well with dark magic. Even being in the proximity of one that practices the dark arts makes me flinchy

Stranger: You’re too good a soul to react well to such a power

You: I doubth that. The dark magic keeping me alive for all these years most likley reacts to the new kind in a bad way. One of few downsides of being what I am. You could give me my next objective, and I’d be off

Stranger: I need you to kill a few people for me, sir

You: Sounds like my kind of mission. Whom do you want me to kill?

Stranger: I cannot speak of their names aloud

Stranger: *writes down on a piece of paper*

You: Tell me where they recide, and I shall find them

Stranger: In the city, down the avenue with the florist and Chinese takeaway

Stranger: You’ll find them in the house with the green door

You: That should be easy enough. Anything I should be particularley wary of?

Stranger: One of them is particularly crafty with a knife

You: Knifes does not do me any harm. Anything else?

Stranger: The other one is very fast

You: Faster than the average vampire?

Stranger: Very much so

Stranger: He may pose as a problem

You: How fast is his limit?

Stranger: That of a cheetah I presume

You: He may. I happen to be quite fast myself

You: Hah I outran cheetas in a 50 yard sprint. Not a problem what so ever.

Stranger: Impressive

Stranger: But yes that is all I suppose

You: Any other notabilities?

You: Does any of them practice the art of pyromancy for instance?

Stranger: No but one does do necromancy

You: That might pose a problem. Though I do have some defences against them. I’ll have to take that one out first I guess. Which one is it?

Stranger: The one with the one grey eye and the other brown

You: Yeah, I see him.

You: He’s surrounded by the others. They seem to be holding a mass of some kind

Stranger: Well that ain’t anything catholic

Stranger: That’s satanic most likely

You: No, not that kind of mass. Seems more satanic

Stranger: They’re conjuring something

You: Yes deffinietly satanic.

Stranger: Do you need my help?

You: I’ll just try and attract their attention

Stranger: Because I can pop down over there

You: That would be nice.

Stranger: You can be the distraction

You: I’ll do the killing, if you please

You: I haven’t fed in days and days

Stranger: Ah if you insist

Stranger: *appears at the door beside you*

You: Just make sure they keep the long wooden poles a good ways away from me, and I’ll deal with them one by one

Stranger: I’ll protect you its fine

You: I’ll do the necromancer first. Try not to get hurt

Stranger: Oh I won’t I was in the army you know

You: These guys can protect themselves as well. Just…. Don’t bleed to much

You: *Jumps up onto roof*

Stranger: I won’t bleed at all sunshine

Stranger: Give me the signal

You: That’d be moonshine or starshine. Sunshine hurts me

Stranger: *smiles*

You: I’m on top of the roof window now. Distract them as best you can

Stranger: *kicks down the door*

You: *jumps in the window*
*Kills the necromancer*

You: That went well
*gets hit by chair*

Stranger: *sheathes my knife and throws it at onces chest and pulls it out*

You: *Growls*
*Kills girl who hit me with chair*

Stranger: *slits ones throat and kicks another up the face*

You: *Kills what seems to be the father of the house*

You: *Sees people try to flee out the door*

Stranger: *gets bit on the shoulder*

Stranger: *screams*

You: *Kills the fastest of them,*

You: *Turns at your scream*

Stranger: *knifes him in the jugular*

You: *Hisses at vampire* “Leave her!”

You: *Throws self at the other vampire*

Stranger: *pulls out my shotgun with salt covered silver bullets*

You: *Furious battle*
*I stand victorious after several minutes*

You: *Gets hit by bullet*

Stranger: *hits a guy in the back of the head*

Stranger: *runs over to you*

You: I’m OK. was that all of them?

You: *is a little dazed*

Stranger: Yeah I think so

You: Good

Stranger: *rubs your chin and one appears behind me*

Stranger: *elbows him in the balls*

You: *steadies self on you*
*Kicks the other one in the nuts*

You: I think he’s down for a while

Stranger: Eh *stands up and loads shotgun*

Stranger: *shoots him in the face*

You: *Grabs pole*
*Drives through vampires heart*
*Poof. Dust*

You: Guns never work

Stranger: They stall them for long enough

Stranger: Salt goes for anything paranormal

You: Yeah. You did more dammage to me than any of them did

Stranger: Salt and silver

You: and salt only helps on some vampires

You: The silver is bad though

You: Not killing, but weakening

Stranger: Hey that only scuffed you

You: Still did more dammage than any of these morons. *Kicks dust of vampire*

Stranger: *smiles*

Stranger: I’m sorry sir

You: It’s no biggie.

You: Allready healed. *shows you where the bullet hit*

Stranger: You couldnt.. ? *pulls down my shirt sleeve at the bite wound

You: Sorry. Not that kind of vampire…

Stranger: Ah its okay

Stranger: I do a lot of medical things myself I can fix it

You: You’re lucky though. Had this been two houses down, it would’ve been a sparkler…

You: good

Stranger: A sparkler?

You: Yeah… one of them that sparkles in the sunshine… when they bite, the transformation starts immediatley

Stranger: Oh god

Stranger: One of those Edward things

You: Edward?

Stranger: Yeah he’s like one of the bosses

Stranger: He started the whole thing

You: oh yeah him.. yeah…. he is that kind of vampire… exept he pretends to have a soul or whatnot

Stranger: So what kind of vampire are you?

Stranger: *looks up at you*

You: And no he didn’t.. He’s barley 100 years old.. the only reason humans know about him is because of his girlfriend… bella or whatever

You: me?

You: i dunno…

You: one of the so called original ones i guess..

You: Related to dracula

You: well… only in undeath, but still

Stranger: Ahh that’s always a good one

You: yeah

Stranger: I don’t know what I am

You: you don’t?

You: you’re obviously some kind of wizard.

Stranger: I prefer the term witch

Stranger: But yeah I guess so

You: witch, then

You: a powerfull one at that. Have you practiced long?

Stranger: Eh a couple of years

Stranger: Nothing serious

You: So you weren’t born with your powers then?

You: didn’t go to any wizarding school?

Stranger: Oh no I was born with them I just haven’t been all bubble bubble boils and trouble all the time

Stranger: Nope just an ordinary school

You: hm

Stranger: But I read a lot

You: you sound like a willow

Stranger: So I know most of the spells and potions and what not

You: what kind of spells?

Stranger: Oh useful ones

Stranger: Violent ones

You: show me

Stranger: *twitches my nose and a vampire carcass explodes into flames*

You: nice

You: *shies away from the flames*

You: very nice

Stranger: *puts them out*

You: powerfull one you are

Stranger: *smiles*

Stranger: Oh don’t make me bluusshh

You: I’m not flirting. You’re not my type.

You: Do you posess a wand?

Stranger: I’m only kidding with you

You: good

Stranger: *smiles and nods and flicks a wand from my sleeve*

You: May I?
*Holds out hand for wand*

Stranger: I barely use it only for the more serious ones

Stranger: Yeah but wands choose their owner it may not like you

Stranger: *puts it in your hand*

You: Ah I think we’ll get along

You: This is a Gregorowitch wand, am I correct?

Stranger: You have a very distinct knowledge of Wands yes?

Stranger: And yeah it is

You: i dabble in wandlore

You: *proceeds to produce a stream of water*

You: it’s a good wand

You: a little worn perhaps. But still a good one.

Stranger: Haha thank you

Stranger: Yeah its an old one

You: *hands back wand*

You: did you inherit it or buy it?

Stranger: Inherited

Stranger: It was going to go to my brother

Stranger: But he wanted nothing to do with magic

You: Who were your parents?

Stranger: Janet and Simon Pashingdale

You: Sounds somehow familliar.

Stranger: They went to a wizarding school but they wanted me to have a normal safe upbringing

You: Oh well. Why did your brother choose madness?

Stranger: He was always confused

You: hm

Stranger: Yeah kind of sad

You: it really is.

Stranger: So who are your parents?

You: Mine? Long dead… My father was William Shakespare believe it or not

Stranger: I didn’t know he had children

You: my mother was named Grace. Grace Slytherin

You: oh I’m not one of his known children. But yeah, he had children. On paper as well

Stranger: I see

Stranger: That’s pretty interesting

You: How so?

Stranger: I must sound like such a typical witch to you

You: I don’t judge

Stranger: Same old boring

You: Nah

You: I’ve had worse. You actually know what you’re doing.

You: I met one that didn’t even know the correct way of holding a wand. She kept curcing herself in class

Stranger: Haha why thank you

Stranger: It’s not hard

Stranger: Making it vanish in your hand is

You: What, cursing yourself?

Stranger: No holding a wand

You: hehe yeah

Stranger: It’s harder to curse yourself than to hold it

You: She was a proper squib

You: well not really, she could do magic when she held it the right way around…

Stranger: Ah I understand

Stranger: Well I’ve met a few vampires in my time

You: Maybe we should get out of this hideout? People will be coming around soon enough

You: really?

Stranger: But most of them tried to bite me

Stranger: Yeah

Stranger: Hm yeah you’re right

You: I probably would’ve too… If you hadn’t paid me

Stranger: *stands up*

You: Where to?

Stranger: Ah anywhere

You: Allright. Hold my arm.

Stranger: So that’s why you’re being so nice to me?

You: Well duh

Stranger: *thumps you and smiles*

Stranger: *holds onto your arm*

You: *Dissapparates*
*Apparates at my house*

You: Welcome to my crib

Stranger: Whoa nice place

You: Thanks

You: come on in

Stranger: For a vampire you do look after your house

You: When one has little to do during the day, it’s what happens.

Stranger: *follows you*

You: I don’t like sleeping

Stranger: I do but I hide when I do

You: Really?

Stranger: Yeah when I feel uneasy about sleeping

Stranger: Like if I feel like I’m being watched

You: Well you can sleep safley here. It’s quite protected

Stranger: Well i do have the odd weapon on me

You: And since I’m my own secret keeper, the fidelius charm should work well

You: yeah, well. I invited you in, didn’t I?

Stranger: Touche

Stranger: But you can’t come into my house without being invited

Stranger: Because you vampires are all about manners

You: Yeah right. Manners. It’s got nothing to do with magic protection at all

Thanks to Sarah Ashington, The fabulous one for being awesome in this roleplay

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Pokemonfights on Omegle

funny things happen on omegle when bored.

thanks to Spanishman for being a good opponent ^^,
the full chatstory will be in comments

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hola

You: Lass Lynxx challenges you to a pokemon fight!

Stranger: i accept

Stranger: i choose blastoise

You: i chose pikachu

You: pikachu used thunder

Stranger: it is super effective

Stranger: I used Hiperpotion

You: pikachu used thunder again! critical hit

Stranger: ok blastoise come back!

Stranger: go, Onix!

You: pikachu return

You: venusaur i choose you

Stranger: onix, avalanch!!

Stranger: critic attack

You: venusaur used posion powder

Stranger: dont affect to onix!

Stranger: onix, return!, go, jynx!

You: venusaur is charging

Stranger: jynx used Ice-Punch

Stranger: its super effective

You: venusaur is frozen solid

You: lass Lynxx used an ice heal

Stranger: jynx used kiss, venusaur is sleeping!

You: venusaur, return! pigeot, do your thing!

Stranger: Jynx, go for it, Ice ray!!

You: missed

You: Pigeot flew up high

Stranger: jynx return! go aerodactyl!

You: pigeot used fly

You: it’s not verry efective

Stranger: aerodactyl is charging

You: pigeot used twister

Stranger: aerodactyl didnt feel anything

Stranger: aerodactyl used hiper ray

You: pigeot fainted

You: go marowak!

You: Marowak used rage

Stranger: not very effective

Stranger: aerodactyl used wing attack

You: it’s not very effective.
Marowak is still in rage.

Stranger: aerodactyl flew up high

You: marowak is still in rage.
it missed

Stranger: aerodactyl used fly

You: it’s not very effective

You: Marowak used trash
hit 1
hit 2
hit 3 crittical

Stranger: aerodactyl fainted

Stranger: go, victreebell!

You: Marowak used bonemerang.
hit 1
hit 2

Stranger: victreebell collected sunlight

You: marowak used trash

You: hit 1
hit 2 critical
hit 3
hit 4
hit 5

Stranger: solarbeam!!!!!

You: marowak fainted

You: schyter!

You: scyther used wing attack

Stranger: its super effective, victreebell fainted

Stranger: go for it, snorlax

You: scyther used night slash

Stranger: snorlax used rest

Stranger: snorlax is sleeping

You: scyther used air slash

Stranger: snorlax is sleeping. stranger played poke-flute

Stranger: tiririiiiiiiiiiiriririiiiiiiiiiitarararararaaaaa

Stranger: snorlax is awake!

You: schyter used vacuum wave

Stranger: snorlax used strength

You: it’s not very effective
scyther used wing attack

Stranger: snorlax resists….and uses body-hit

You: scyther fainted

You: go houndour

Stranger: snorlax, mega punch!

You: it missed
houndour used crunch

Stranger: not very critic. Snorlax used earthquake

You: it’s super effective

You: houndour used fireblast

Stranger: snorlax was burnt

Stranger: snorlax is damaged because of the burns!

Stranger: stranger used anti-burns

You: houndour used flamethrower

Stranger: snorlax fainted…

Stranger: stranger has not more pokemon

Stranger: stranger lost consciousness

You: lass Lynxx wins

You: houndour is evolving!

You: houndour evolved into houndoom


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Don’t take anybody’s shit

[title may change]

His eyes teared up. He fought back the crying. He didn’t need them to see that as well. To late. Loud whispers all over of “crybaby” and “mamas-boy”. He just wanted to lie there, on the ground and not move. But he knew he couldn’t. No one would care anyway. He’d be kicked again.

He saw the foot before it hit, but couldn’t do anything about it. The shoe connected with his temple. Blinding pain. He had to fight back. Rising, he spat. Blood. It hit the bully’s shoe.

“You spat blood at my shoe, you brat!” the bully raised his hand, he braced for the attack. There was a ringing in his ears. Now, surely, he’d been hit senseless, but why was there no pain? The ringing wasn’t in his head after all. It was all around him. It was the school bell. The free period was over. He’d been saved by the school bell. Again. The bully was close to him now.
“If you tell ANYONE…” the threat hung in thin air for a fraction of a second, before the bully pulled away, spat at his shoes and ran off to class.

The crowd was thinning, he could get to class on time if he wanted to. But why bother? Only a few people left now. He flexed. It hurt. He’d be bruised at best. He felt his ribs where the bully had kicked him. Searing pain. Possibly broken. Great. He spat again. More blood. Nausea. The school nurse could maybe help him a little. But how could he go to her for help without telling on the bully? No, that was not an option.

Should he perhaps skip the last hours of school and go home? If his mother was home, he’d face a telling off. If his father was home… No! going home wasn’t an option either. But three more hours of school wasn’t tempting either. Maybe he should go to the hospital. But if anyone saw him, he’d face an even worse beating at school tomorrow.

Accepting defeat, he started walking, slowly, to class. He just made it before the teacher. Hadn’t even found a desk. The teacher asked him what had happened. He mumbled something about “fell” and “stairs.” The teacher looked at him for a long time. He stared intently into his eyes. Trying to detect the truth. Apparently he saw something, because he told him to go to the school nurse and take the rest of the day off.

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[I keep noticing several mistakes in this one, so I’ll just update it whenever I write on it]

It was early morning on the 30th of October. Jason awoke with a start, gasping for breath. He’d had the nightmare again.

All was dark. He was lost in total darkness. There was a spot of light in the distance. He moved towards it. Every nerve in his body told him not to. The light was calling to him. It wanted him. He went closer to it. He struggled with himself, tried not to go to the light. The light came closer. It engulfed him. He was blinded. Saw nothing. Then, as his eyes got used to the light, he noticed a castle. He did not want to go to the castle. He tried to turn away, succeeded, walked a few paces. And there the castle was again. He turned again. Walked a few paces. The castle was there too. Every time he turned, the castle appeared closer. He tried walking directly at the castle. It moved closer than ever. He tried running backwards. Suddenly he was by the castle door. He felt his hand rise to knock. Why would he knock? He wanted to get away from here. He tried fighting his urge to knock. His hand touched the door. The door opened. It squeaked. He heard himself shout “Hello”. Why would he do that? He wanted to go. He forced himself to turn. He discovered that the door had disappeared. He turned again. He searched for a window, and realized there were none. But there was a set of stairs. They were going up. Not wanting to go up, he searched for stairs going down. There were none. He shouted “hello” again. A figure appeared at the top of the stairs. He backed up. The figure moved slowly toward him. “Who…” he tried to ask, but all of a sudden the figure was upon him, its cold hands over his mouth and nose, slowly suffocating him. As things were growing dark, he woke.

Gasping for air Jason sat up in his bed. He’d had the nightmare for almost a year now, since last Halloween. Not that last Halloween had anything to do with the nightmare, he hadn’t done anything in particular, and he definitely hadn’t been to any castle. Jason looked at the clock on his bed side table. 05.55 AM only half an hour ‘till he had to wake anyways. Getting up and taking a shower would be a good plan. The cold-sweat from having the nightmare would not be welcome at school. After a half an hour in the shower, trying to get himself to stop shivering, Jason entered the kitchen in his apartment. Breakfast was not something he usually ate, but today it seemed like a good plan. The eggs in the pan and the bacon already on the bread, the phone rang. He answered and put it on speaker
–       ‘Yello.
–       Hi, Jason you know Halloween is tomorrow? It was his best friend, Tony
–       Yeah, of cause I know. Why?
–       Well, my parents are gone and I’m throwing a partay, wanna come?
–       Wasn’t I going to come anyways? Of cause I’ll be there. We drinkin’?
–       Well duh, my parents are gone. Just remember to dress up, it’s Halloween after all.

– Yeah, yeah, I will. Later dude.

They hung up. Jason allready knew what he was going as for the party. Not like last year, when he’d dressed up in a sheet at the last minutte and been a ghost. Since it was halloween, and his name was Jason allready, he found it fittnig that his costume mirror that. The mask and fake mashete was already bought. He’d use his father’s old jacket and an old, dirtied t-shirt. He also had a couple of old workers gloves at the ready. His usual black jeans and boots would do the trick to make the costume look real.

He ate his breakfast and got out the door just in time not to have to run to school, entering the classroom just before the bell rang. Even tough it was Friday, and he’d be done before lunch, he felt the day couldn’t be short enough. Tired of school and sick of all the bimbos flirting with him, he’d like nothing more than tell everyone to just fuck off and let him go home. 


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the family row

[title may change]

”Hi, how are you today?” her voice was calm and kind, but he flinched as if she had yelled at him or tried to hit him.

“How are things at home lately?” she smiled carefully at him. He looked at her, the fright in his eyes prominent, he did not want to talk, he cowered, tried to hide in his chair, had his arms folded tightly over his chest, feet tucked and crossed under him.

“I don’t want to talk about it” he whispered, almost inaudibly. She had to lean closer to hear what he was saying. He was refusing to look her in the eyes, had his head bent slightly away from her. If he looked at her, his eyes was focused somewhere on her forehead or above.

Chad had indeed had a bad week. His mother had come back from rehab, just to start drugs again, his father had yelled at his mother for not managing to stay of the drugs for more than it took to get out of rehab. He had even threatened to report her to the police. Then he had rounded on Chad.

“You!” as if it was his fault his mother had started doing drugs. “what are you still doin’ in the livin’room?!” he was old enough to be wherever he wanted to be in the house, he was 16, damn it. “Get to your room, and don’t let me see you down here again tonight!” Chad obeyed. It was only nine, and he was sent to bed. He wondered whether he should just run away, but frankly, his father scared him too much. And as if this wasn’t enough, he’d come in a fight at school, and been sent to the school psychologist, who in turn sent him to a professional shrink, and that’s where he was now.

“Do you want to talk about school, then?” He looked scared. Tried to blend with the chair.
“It’s nothing.” He murmured. “He just pissed me off, so I hit him.”
“What did he do to piss you off, then? Did he bully you?” No, he didn’t bully him, no one dared bully him, because he’d just hit or answer back. No, he’d pissed him off just because he was there. But Chad couldn’t say that to the shrink. She’d put him in a home. He just pulled his shoulders. “I want to go home.” For the rest of the hour, all she could get from him was drawn shoulders, maybe a nod or a shaken head.

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Whatever you say!

[the title may change later]

15th May

My whole life sucks! It sucks like hell! My mom yells at me for the smallest things. My dad left me before I was even born. Today is worse than ever. My mom has fallen ill, and she thinks I cannot take care of myself. So she has called my dad. The dad I have never known. The dad who didn’t even want to know me when I was born. The dad who left me and my mom to take care of ourselves. That dad. And now he’s supposed to take care of me? His son. His 14-years-old son. The one he left before he was even born. Well fuck it, I won’t listen to anything he says.

20th May

I can hear his car in the driveway. He’s coming to get me. Take me away from my mom. She’s ill, she can’t take care of herself. She most definitely doesn’t want to be in the hospital. She’s calling for me. I don’t want to go down. Well fuck it. If I don’t, I won’t ever meet him and tell him to his eyes that I don’t want him to be my dad and that I don’t like him.

30th May

How the hell did this happen?! My room is now empty and my dad’s car is outside, waiting for me. He lives far from here. It’ll take two hours to drive there. Two hours of awkward silence, because I haven’t charged my iPod. Damn it. And of cause my psp is packed down and uncharged to. I’ll be bored to death!

31st May

Ok, so the car-ride here wasn’t all awful. The dude actually knows how to make someone talk. I don’t know how, but apparently I told him everything about school and most of how my life has been since I can remember. Apparently all the unmarked birthday presents and Christmas presents were from him. What the hell? Why couldn’t he just have marked them?

My room here isn’t all awful either. It is huge! The closet I have here is the size of the room I had before, and I thought that was big! He says it’s been one of his other children’s once. Damn! The guy doesn’t look that old, how many children can he have had?! I guess it is easier for men though. We can screw several women at once and have children with each of them. But somehow I don’t think that’s how he meant it. It sounds like the other one, my brother or sister, lived here long ago, and moved out from age.

12th June

This is almost worse than living with my sick mother! At least she was there all the time, able to help me with my homework. My dad apparently works all night and thereby sleeps all day. He says I’m never allowed in his room. I wonder what’s in there, but I’m afraid to go in. He gets scary when he’s mad. Well, off to do some other mischief. Maybe I’ll scare the other children in the neighborhood, that’s fun.

13th June

Damn my dad caught me and now I’m grounded for a week. Well fuck him, I’m invited to a party this evening and I’m going whether he wants me to or not! They’ll pick me up at the corner at 9 P.M, my dad’s probably out of the house already by then anyways, but I can’t be too sure.

BTW I’m starting to think my dad’s an alcoholic or a drug addict or something. I flashed him with some daylight when I came home after scaring the neighborhood kids, and he jumped like hell.

14th June

I can’t believe the embarrassment of last night! Somehow my dad had found out about the party and he came there and practically dragged me home. How can he even have found out? Unless he’s a mind reader, and I doubt that. Someone must’ve told him or something. So now I’m grounded for two weeks instead of one.

One last point before doing my homework, and I don’t know read or something, I’m finally going to meet my half-brother. He’s coming by tomorrow. He and my dad are working together and they have out-of-the-office-stuff to discuss.

15th June

Bad news from my mother. She’s worse. I knew I shouldn’t have left. I want to go back, but my dad won’t let me. He says it won’t be healthy for her to have to say goodbye to me again. Who’s he to decide? I tried asking my brother to drive me to her hospital, but he refused. No one cares that I miss my mother or that she needs me. Fuck them all, I’ll steal a car and drive myself.


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